EnviroTemp FAQ
The air conditioning motor, called compressor, is the energy hub of your air conditioning system; it’s where most of the energy is consumed. The job of the compressor is to produce the comfortable air temperatures you enjoy in both the summer and winter. To do this, the compressor must compress, under high pressure, the refrigerant gas. Once compressed, the gas is pushed through the copper piping of both the condenser (located in the outdoor unit) and evaporator (located in your roof space if fully ducted or on your wall if a wall split) for heat transfer to take place. Heat-Transfer is what produces your warm air in the winter and cold air in the summer.
The compressor is a mechanical motor with many moving parts, so it contains a lubrication oil to protect all these parts and give your system long life with minimal wear and tear. As the compressor compresses the refrigerant gas, small quantities of this oil get mixed with the gas and circulated through the system pipes of the condenser and evaporator, there are no moving parts for the oil to protect, so it simply coats the surface of the tubes. This oil is non-conductive, so it therefore has an insulating effect on the surfaces. The oil layer can build up over time, clogging the surface areas of the condenser and evaporator.
The clogged oil affects the efficiency of your compressor in the same way that cholesterol affect our heart. The compressor must work harder to produce the desired temperature. This drives up our energy costs and limits just how comfortable you can be!
EnviroTemp is a concentrated, highly refined lubricating oil that carries a thermos-conductive charge at its molecular level. A small amount equivalent to about 30mls per 3.5kW’s cooling capacity is injected directly into the compressor motor while it’s running. Depending on the size of the unit, it circulates throughout the system within moments. Once in the heat transfer area of the condenser and evaporator, the thermos-conductive molecules begin to break down the clogged layer of oil as it attracts itself to the surface of the tubes. The clogged oil is removed and put back into circulation where it should be, EnviroTemp molecules attach and embed themselves into the surface of the pipework and prevent the oil accumulation from happening again.
The system can now operate without being slowed by the clogged non-conducive layer of oil. Heat transfer will improve and the unit will be capable of producing a better temperature by around 2˚ -8˚ degrees. This means the desired temperature will be reached more quickly and your compressor won’t need to work as hard.
Because an air conditioning system is a completely sealed unit, the oil in it has been there since the day it was manufactured just like the lubricating oil in your kitchen refrigerator. As such this oil is free of nasty contaminants that can harm your AC. Once EnviroTemp dislodges the stagnant oil, it passes through the filter and circulates through the entire system in a continuous loop to keep all the moving parts lubricated even better than it could while the oil was stagnant.
In most cases EnviroTemp can be proven to you on the spot, in front of your own eyes that EnviroTemp has made your system more efficient by at least 2˚ degrees and up to as much as 8˚, by taking temperature readings from the AC vent before and after installation.
Absolutely not! EnviroTemp is only needed once. Once in your system it is there for life. There are no ongoing costs; you never need to top it up.
Yes, it has been documented by ASHRAE that your new system can lose as much as 7% of its efficiency the first year, 5% the next and 2% every year thereafter until it has lost about 20%-30% of its original efficiency. By adding EnviroTemp as early as possible (ideally as soon as you have your unit installed) you will save by not experiencing costly efficiency losses. Importantly, you will save on wear and tear, adding longer life to your system.
Absolutely YES! Just because it is old doesn’t mean it can’t be improved. If it is still in good working order it has stood the test of time and could last even longer. It may have already reached its maximum efficiency loss of 20%-30%, and if so it has the potential to achieve better temperatures and energy savings.
Your EnviroTemp technician will let you know if your system is still in good working order can recommend whether you should have Envirotemp installed.
ASHRAE: The American Society of Heating, Refrigerating and Air Conditioning Engineers (an International standards board) has studied in great detail the efficiency effects of oil clogging and has documented that a system will lose about 7% of its efficiency within the first year of operation, 5% the second year and a further 2% per year thereafter. This loss will continue until equilibrium is reached between the flow force and adhesion (surface tension). Once this is achieved the thickness of the clogged layer of oil has reached its maximum, thus producing the maximum loss of efficiency of between 10%-30%.
Clogged oil reduces your system’s efficiency and drives up energy costs. Higher efficiency and lower energy costs are your goal.
Yes, regardless of what brand air conditioner you have, how much you paid for it, or how well you look after it, every time you use it – for heating or cooling – small quantities of lube oil circulate through the system and clog the pipes just a little bit more.
The temperature setting on your control panel does not dictate the temperature coming out of your air vents! The setting you have programmed into your control panel or remote control is simply the desired temperature to which you wish your home or room ( if a split wall system) to be at. Regardless of the temperature setting you have programmed, the temperature of the air coming out of your vents is relative to the efficiency of your system and will always be the absolute best temperature your system can produce. The better the temperature coming out of the vents i.e warmer in the winter and colder in the summer, the quicker your home gets to the desired temperature and the less your system must run. Naturally, the more a system must run, the more energy it uses, running less means it will be using less energy!
The temperature of the air coming out of your vents is the result of how energy-efficient your system is. EnviroTemp will improve the temperature your system can produce by 2˚-8˚. This means your system will not have to run as long to reach your desired temperature. The less your system runs, the less energy your use! You will use less energy and be more comfortable at the same time!
People sometimes think that a system is already running satisfactorily because it appears to produce comfortable temperatures. But what they can’t see is the lube oil that keeps accumulating in the heat transfer tubes. Just like cholesterol affects our heart, the clogged lube oil affects the compressor and prevents the system from working at its optimum. The reduced performance leads to higher running costs as the system draws more in energy.
EnviroTemp is a combination of repair and prevention. In the case of an existing system EnviroTemp will repair the systems lost efficiency be removing the stagnant layer of oil. In the case of a new system Envirotemp will prevent the build-up of oil from occurring as such in doing so it will extend the life of the equipment for several reasons such as reduced friction, reduced runtime. If one manufacturer decided to include EnviroTemp at the time of manufacturing, it would not only add to the costs but also extend the life of the unit beyond the normal running life of competitor’s units. This will cost the manufacturer future profits given their system will last longer than their competitors as such they must wait longer for their existing customers to replace their unit. Alternatively, the manufacturer could simply charge more for the unit upfront, however in today’s highly competitive market place charging more for something up front is clearly not the preferred option.
Having a solar panel doesn’t mean you are using less energy, it simply means your source of power is now being diverted from man-made to solar generated power. EnviroTemp helps the biggest user of energy in your home your reverse cycle air conditioning run more efficiently. Better efficiency means aside from keeping you more comfortable, it’s using less energy which is exactly what you want. Because the more energy you have to spare, the more you can sell back to the power company and the more money you can make!
Not at all. The Australian Consumer Law (ACL) prohibits any manufacturer from voiding a warranty just because a third-party product is used. If you choose to have Envirotemp installed into your air conditioning system; your manufacturer cannot use this as a reason to void the warranty. Anyone who tells you this is breaching Australian Consumer Law and should be reported to the ACCC for appropriate action to be taken.
The ACCC website notes that anyone who misleads a consumer by saying a warranty can be void could incur a maximum penalty of $1.1 million for corporations and $220,000 for individuals. If this happens to you, you are encouraged to file a complaint with the ACCC on 1300 302 502