The right to have an air conditioner in your home

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You have the right to have an air conditioner in your home.

air conditionerOur generation has been given the gift of environmental comfort at home. We can walk into a warm room on a cold day or into a cool room on a hot day, effortlessly and without exertion. This has only been made possible through the endeavours of those who saw a way to make our world a better place and went ahead and made it happen with creative thinking. The least we can do now is to appreciate their efforts and take advantage of whole home air conditioners!

Rising energy costs have made us all more aware about the amount of power we’re using, but it shouldn’t send us back in time. For thousands of years people have devised ways to stay cooler in summer and warmer in winter, and now technology has given us climatic comfort at the touch of a button.

The modern air conditioner was invented in 1902 and was hailed as a revolution. Units were large, noisy, pricey and power guzzling but demand for the product soared. Production struggled to keep up as households clamoured for comfort. The engineering advances implemented since those early models have been rapid. Years of research and development has produced air conditioning systems that are compact, energy efficient, whisper quiet and low cost. Man has triumphed with systems so smart they incorporate cooling and heating functions, automatic timers and movement sensors.

Today we are spoilt for choice but it is important to remember that the choices are not there to confuse you, but to pamper you. You can install a air conditioning unit to suit the size of your home, your budget and your family’s living preferences. When you shop for a unit it’s a good idea to take a floor plan of your house with you. If you don’t have one, note your room measurements so you can buy the right size unit to heat or cool the area. If the unit is too big or powerful you’ll be wasting money. If it’s too small it won’t be effective.

Staff at a Rite Price Heating and Cooling store can give you a run-down on the different types available, but here’s a quick guide to help you sort it out.

  • Conventional air conditioner: Regulates temperature by using a compressor. The compressor is either on (working to 100 per cent capacity) or switched off entirely.
  • Inverter air conditioner: An inverter can vary the compressor speed and maintain the set temperature within a narrow range. Eliminating stop-start cycles means that efficiency is increased. The additional electronics and system hardware adds to the cost, but the gain is generally a substantial saving in operating costs. That being said, a good conventional model can still be cost-effective.
  • Evaporative air conditioner: These works well in dry, hot weather. A fan draws warm air from the outside through a series of wet filter pads. The air’s heat evaporates the water, cooling and humidifying the air, which is then blown into the house, delivering 100% fresh air. A good choice for allergy and asthma sufferers as the air is replaced every few minutes. Can be cheaper to install and operate than other cooling options.
  • split system air conditioners: This type of air conditioner is wall mounted with a slimline unit visible inside the room, and a compressor unit that’s installed outside. Ideal for cooling one or more rooms, or an open-plan area, of up to 60 square metres. Prices range from around: $700–$3000
  • Wall/window models: Split system air conditioners are overtaking these in popularity, but still a viable choice prices at around $300–$1000. Usually installed in a window or external wall. Smaller units can be plugged into a normal power point; larger ones may require additional wiring. Quick to reach an optimum temperature. With a thermostat control, they can switch on and off to ensure temperature is maintained. Suitable for rooms and open-plan areas of up to 50 square metres.
  • Cooling-only or reverse-cycle: Reverse cycle air conditioners don’t cost much more than cooling-only models and can be used for heating in winter. The initial purchase and installation cost may be higher, but reverse cycle air conditioning units are among the cheapest and most effective forms of heating for large spaces. They cause less carbon dioxide to be produced in power plants burning fossil fuel than other kinds of electric heaters.
  • Ducted Evaporative: Uses ducting to deliver cool air to nominated areas of your home. Evaporative works differently to refrigerated air conditioners. The higher the outside humidity, the less efficiently evaporative coolers work, so they’re mainly suited for hot, dry climates; they’re also relatively cheap to run. A fan draws warm air from the outside through a series of wet filter pads. The air’s heat evaporates the water, cooling and humidifying the air, which is then blown into the house. Suited to areas where doors and windows are left open (evaporative air conditioners require some air flow).
  • Ducted Reverse Cycle Air conditioner: Generally regarded as the top tier of air conditioning units. Uses ducting to deliver cool or warm air to your entire home or nominated areas of your home. These areas can be switched in or out, or zoned. This cuts down on wastage and makes for greater energy efficiency. Functions can be operated from one easy-to-access control panel, often with pre-set timing options. Quiet, reliable and energy efficient. Works best when doors and windows are closed.

When you are watching the weather report and wondering what temperature each day will bring outside, you can be assured that the temperature inside your home can remain constant thanks to your wise installation of air conditioning.

Air conditioners with a thermostat allow you to set the unit at a specific desired room temperature. Generally the best temperature to set your air conditioning to is around 24 – 25°C in summer and 17 – 19°C in winter. Cranking the temperature to tropical heat on a cold day, or blitzing it to chill on a hot day may sound like a good idea, but each degree cooler/warmer you set the thermostat can add up to 10% extra in energy costs. You’ll also reduce operational efficiency by making the motor labour.

Enjoy complete control over your environment in a way that previous generations could never have dreamed of. Be comfortable when you wake up, during the day, when you arrive home at night and all night long. You don’t need to freeze in winter or sweat in summer. Technology has given you air conditioning, and Rite Price Heat and Cooling gives you the brands, advice and after sales service that will be right for you!

How to make the most effective use of your air conditioner

With a split system air conditioner, you could enjoy the most efficient cooling for your home or office, but in order to make sure you’re getting the most out of your air conditioning system, and that you won’t be paying more than you need to for its operation, it can be a good idea to learn how these units function.

Benefits of air conditioner

Air conditioners are useful for more than just keeping room temperatures at comfortable levels at all times of the year – these systems also have numerous health benefits, and can also greatly improve efficiency when used in workplaces. Air conditioners can also be effective for eliminating dangerous spores and other particles from outside, which makes these systems extremely beneficial for people who suffer from allergies or respiratory problems.

Air conditioner and energy efficiency

One problematic aspect of air conditioners that’s thankfully been overcome is the energy consumption of these systems. Most modern products are designed with energy efficiency in mind, both to lower the carbon footprint of properties and to ensure that running your air conditioner regularly won’t lead to sky-high electricity bills. If you still feel your energy bills are more expensive than they should be, you should check whether you’re running your air conditioner at unnecessarily low temperatures, as this consumes a great deal more energy. You can also perhaps try closing off doors on your home, so that you are only cooling the rooms that require it.

Ducted air conditioner in Adelaide

Rite Price Heating & Cooling supplies all types of air conditioners and central heating units in Adelaide. Call 08 7007 0168 to discuss which type of air conditioner is best suited to your home.